Lekas | Same-day Delivery. Nationwide.

Combating climate change is our business.

We're fully aware that we're a fossil fuel intensive company, thus we strive to be carbon neutral.

We believe environmental sustainability is critical for economies and for all global citizens.

As a logistics company, the most significant aspects of our environmental footprint are the greenhouse gas emissions we emit through travel. In order to neutralize our carbon footprint, we support worthy projects that reduce emissions and benefit the communities around them. These projects do things like restore priceless forests, build wind farms, and deploy zero-emission electric buses.

Because at Lekas we are creating a world without distances; we persist to eliminate only distances, not the world.

Our Impacts

We contribute to ingeniously world-changing initiatives certified by the United Nations Climate Change secretariat. Currently, we are working on a 24 MW hydroelectric power plant project that generates clean renewable energy while improving the lives of the local communities.

And that’s just a starting point.

We won’t stop there. We think that it’d be even better if we didn’t emit any carbon in the first place. To get there, we’re continuously seeking ways to decouple business growth from emissions growth.

We’re fully aware that we have just 10 years since our formation to meet urgent goals set out to rein in the world’s climate crisis and preserve the Earth’s biodiversity. We’ll be the first to admit that this is a long sprint and that there’s much more work to be done. Luckily, when time is of the essence, we know how to speed things up.